
Clerk of Session

Lynn Petlock

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Lynn Petlock is the Clerk of Session. Some say Lynn is the Clerk Extarordinaire! As chief officer at WPC, nothing gets past her watchful eye. 

If you have any concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Lynn.

Administrative Assistant

Rachel Sznaider

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Rachel Sznaider is our new Administrative Assistant. Rachel is a lifelong member of WPC and shares her many talents with us. She brings extensive administrative skills to her new position and is a whiz with words! As the administrative assistant, Rachel will publish the weekly newsletter, "Weekly Love," design the weekly bulletins and help prepare for the worship services, among many other tasks. Rachel is the go-to person in the church. You can find her in the office from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Tues, Weds-Thurs).


Tiffany Collins

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We are pleased to welcome Tiffany Collins as the treasurer for WPC.  Tiffany will share her experience and expertise in her new position, and we are excited to have her watchful eye on church finances.


Shannon Lord

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Books, periodicals, videos and more: all of this is under Shannon's diligent care. She is the go-to tech wizard for many of our audio-visual needs. Shannon can be reached by leaving her a message in the librarians mailbox.

Financial Secretary

Marilyn Ross

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Marilyn has served in many positions during her lifetime at Wyalusing Presbyterian Church.  She is truly a faithful servant and is always helping others.  Marilyn is always using her gifts and talents for WPC.  Marilyn takes on this task energetically, and with much gratitude we thank her. Deb Minturn is assisting Marilyn. 

Financial Secretary

Lorna Snyder

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Lorna serves with much care as another of WPC's financial secretaries. Lorna provides a valuable safeguard for financial record keeping. Lorna has been a valuable addition to our staff.


John Petlock

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John Petlock is the Groundskeeper for WPC.  John meticulously maintains our landscape and makes our church grounds beautiful season after season.  John is a master of many talents. You name it, John can fix it. John's great care for the church, its properties, accessibility, and its mission are the stuff of legend. John is a great steward of WPC.